
Controtempo in Neapolitan Rapier & Dagger (Fioretto Luca Basile)

The weapon combination of rapier & dagger is the foundation of the didactic of the Neapolitan School. This movement, stretching between XVII-XVIII centuries, changed fencing with its new ideas and concepts still present in today fencing methodology.
Starting from guards and footwork, we will have a look into some of the devices used to stimulate the counteroffensive actions of our opponent, in order to apply the controtempo, making, as the Neapolitan fencing masters said, “possible the impossible”.

Godinhos Taschensand (Lydia Röntgen / Rapier o. Einhandwaffe)

Everyone has heard of Godinho’s pocket sand, at least as a meme or joke on the internet. But what is actually behind it? How easy is it to unerringly place sand in the face of an opponent who wants to get at you? And which sand actually has the best flight characteristics?
We want to investigate this question together.

Bring along: Diving or swimming goggles as eye protection, hoodie or jacket with pockets

Controtempo in Neapolitan Rapier Alone (Fioretto Luca Basile)

This workshop is complementary to the Rapier & Dagger one. As it was said in Neapolitan School, after having learned rapier & dagger, a fencer could easily fence with rapier alone.
We will start looking at the differences of the posture in single rapier, working then on the devices needed to apply controtempo actions. The main focus will be on how to perform them not replying on the defence of the dagger.

Eber und Stier, das rat‘ ich dir (Langes Messer – Ulrik Neumann)

Eber und Stier, das rat‘ ich dir

Was hat es mit den zwei Huten auf sich? Und wieso tauchen ausgerechnet diese beiden immer wieder in Lecküchners Manuskript auf? In meinem Workshop beschäftigen wir uns mit genau diesen Fragen. Vom Zufechten, über den „Krieg“, bis hin in die nahe Distanz tauchen wir ein in die Welt des Messers und erkunden gemeinsam, wieso die Positionen des Stiers und des Ebers in nahezu allen Distanzen und Situationen wichtig sind.

Da dieser Workshop Fokus auf Anwendung/Fechten legt, bring‘ bitte deine Fechtmaske und leichte Handschuhe mit. Ich werde ein paar Leih-Messer dabei haben, aber wenn du auf der sicheren Seite sein willst, versuch‘ dir selbst eines mitzubringen.

Boar and Steer will persevere

What are those two guards all about? And why do they turn up in Lecküchners manuscript again and again? In my workshop we will take an approach on these questions. From Zufechten, via the „Krieg“, through to the close distance we will dive into the world of the Messer and explore together why the positions of „Eber“ and „Stier“ are important in almost any distance and situation.

Since this workshop will have a focus on application/fencing, please bring a fencing mask as well as light gloves. I will have a couple of Messer loaners with me, but to be safe, try to bring your own.

Das mach ich mit links! (Langschwert – Michael Fuerschuss)

Ringen am Schwert macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern ist auch ein nützliches Werkzeug im Freikampf. Wir wollen uns in diesem Workshop gemeinsam ansehen, wie sich Fiores Gioco Stretto Stücke in der Praxis umsetzen lassen. Der Fokus liegt dabei darauf sich einige grundlegende Techniken anzueignen, die uns das Ringen mit Schwert erleichtern – mit links!

Waffe: Langes Schwert Ausrüstung: Schwert. Eventuell Handschuhe. Wer die Übungen schneller/mit mehr Intention ausführen will, sollte die entsprechende Schutzausrüstung mitbringen. Die Techniken, die wir uns ansehen wollen, können im Workshop mit oder ohne Full Gear ausgeführt werden.

Meyer is Majestic (Longsword – Jonathan Spouge)

Meyer is Majestic – an overview of the the method and mechanics for Joachim Meyer’s Longsword from the Art Of Combat, 1570, and a primer on Fechtschule style play and competition in the 16th century guilds.

The workshop will look at how the body mechanics and context of this style of fencing were used for athletic exercise and public demonstration as well as for martial efficacy, using a selection of Jonathan’s favourite plays and techniques from the source material.

Prepare to get HUGE.