
Hier findet ihr alle bisher bestätigten Trainer und Vortragenden des Schwabenhau 2024!

Jonathan Spouge (Longsword, UK)

Jonathan began his HEMA career in a Dundee nightclub basement with a student society in 2010, before joining the Academy of Historical Arts. He started a youth club for Scottish Broadsword in 2012, and then in 2015 helped found The Vanguard Centre in Glasgow – the UK’s first full-time HEMA venue. Now currently the chief instructor at Vanguard, he is managing a team of young professional HEMA coaches as well as teaching many different HEMA disciplines.

Jonathan specialises in German Longsword of the 15th and 16th centuries, as well as British Military Sabre and Scottish Broadsword, but he likes to try a little of everything. He has competed internationally and taught workshops all across the UK, but is most proud of his students‘ success in recent years, along with his technical prizes and sportsmanship awards.

Workshops: Meyer is Majestic (Longsword – Jonathan Spouge)

Michael Fuerschuss (Langschwert, AT)

Michael is practicing HEMA since 2016. He is currently a member and instructor at Armizare Wien in Vienna, Austria. His main Focus is longsword, dagger and wrestling based in the teachings of Fiore dei Liberi.

Workshops: Fiore (Langschwert – Michael Fuerschuss)

Fioretto Luca Basile (Rapier, IT)

Luca Basile

Fioretto Luca has been practicing historical fencing since 2005. In June 2022 he graduated as a historical and artistic fencing master at the Accademia Nazionale di Scherma di Napoli. In the same year in December he also gained the title of national instructor for olympic fencing and published the first Italian commented version of “His Practise” by Vincentio Saviolo, which includes the most detailed research on the author and his treatise.

He currently teaches in Belluno both historical and olympic fencing at the Accademia di Scherma Dolomiti, the association he founded, which currently counts four chapters in the Dolomites area.

Workshop: Controtempo in Neapolitan Rapier Alone (Luca Basil)

Workshop: Controtempo in Neapolitan Rapier & Dagger (Luca Basil)

Ulrik Neumann (Langes Messer, DE)

Ulrik Neumann und Langes Messer

Ulrik started historical fencing in 2013 with Messer and Sabre. He currently is president of „Die Freifechter“ in Cologne, Germany, as well as head instructor for everything Messer-related.
In his historical fencing journey, Ulrik has learned to like and have fun with a lot of different HEMA-weapons and -styles, but his first and true love remains the Messer.

Over the years, he has taught workshops on Messer fencing at different international events and occasions. Contents varying from the Glasgow Fechtbuch, over in-depth Lecküchner techniques, to fencing-orientied applications of fundamental concepts and principles.

Workshop: Langes Messer (Ulrik Neumann)

Lydia Röntgen (Taschensand, DE)

Lydia Röntgen

Lydia started her fencing career in 2009 with Longsword and branched out into Rapier in 2019. She started her Trainer career in 2022 as a Co-Trainer for Longsword with the Schwabenfedern.

Workshop: Godinhos Taschensand (Lydia Röntgen / Rapier o. Einhandwaffe)

Andreas Rainer Weiss (Vortrag, DE)

Andreas Weiss

Ich begann 2019 mit HEMA bei den Schwabenfedern in Ulm. Ich trainiere hauptsächlich mit dem Langschwert. Ich bin recht aktiv auf Turnieren und anderen HEMA Events unterwegs.

Vortrag: Kleines Basiswissen für HEMAisten (Andreas Weiss)